The day’s event was held at the Gambia Armed Forces Training School in Bakau. According to GPU, the guest lecturers facilitated by GPU and other organisations and agencies, are part of broader activities marking the professional phase training of GAF new recruits.
“We appreciate the invitation which will further strengthen media security relations and better understanding of the media's constitutional role as the fourth estate”
Last month, GAF also held an interface with media in which the GPU was involved.
“Both GAF and the Gambia Police Force (GPF) were also key stakeholders in the GPU project on access to information and election between 2020 and 2021. That project was meant to improve transparency and accountability in the electoral processes by advocating for proactive disclosure of electoral information as per the AU guidelines on access to information and elections.”
Similarly, ahead of the 2021 presidential elections, GPU also engaged the police in a pre-deployment forum that was meant to create a conducive environment for journalists to report on the elections.