The aim of the study was to identify priorities and plan specific interventions for gender equality and women empowerment.
The study expects all sectors within the framework of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Climate Change (CC) to mainstream gender in their sectoral programmes and plans to ensure women were adequately represented and not marginalised.
The GCCA+ Climate Resilient Coastal and Marine Zone Project in The Gambia aims at enhancing the resilience of coastal communities through institution strengthening and knowledge management.
The project is aligned with national policies, strategically addressing climate change hazard exposure, vulnerability and capacity across three key result areas such as strengthening institutional capacity, providing updated information for decision-making and implementing climate-resilient plans.
Abubacarr Kujabi, project coordinator said climate change is real and affecting every sector. He described women in agriculture as the most vulnerable group.
“We support them by having a study that looks at the gaps and also check how best we can strengthen them to cope with the menaces. We also look at their roles whether they are having equal opportunities like their counterparts,” the project coordinator said.
Evangelina Blanco Gonzalez, EU representative explained that building the capacity of women and working towards re-enforcing climate resilience was one of the contexts on the report, adding that women find themselves in a vulnerable situation because of the impact of climate change.
Lamin Koma, program manager at National Environment Agency said the study conducted purposely for gender issues on the GCCA+ project was paramount because if they are not adequately factored and designed, it can be very difficult during the implementation, adding that women are the most vulnerable and the project was there to address those vulnerabilities.
According to the report, the gender study underscores the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration in the GCCA+ project implementation to overcome challenges arising from a top-down approach, emphasising the necessity for decentralised information, programming.
It also indicated climate change which has affected gender roles, particularly affecting women in rural areas. The study revealed that women, already responsible for family and agricultural tasks, face additional challenges due to climate change impacts.