#National News

GAPP elects new executives

Dec 3, 2020, 12:29 PM | Article By: Jarra Cham

The Gambia Association of Professional Photographers (GAPP) last Friday held its congress, where they elected new executive to steer the affairs of the association in the next four years.

During the congress, seven positions were up for grabs, but only the position of the president, first vice president, and treasurer were contested as the other positions such as second; vice president, secretary general, chief organizer and public relations officer went unopposed.

Out of the 44 votes casted, Matarr Jersey, a presidential aspirant polled 31 votes, while Dr. Manneh scored 13.

Outlining his manifesto shortly before the election, Matarr Jassey, the president elect, said he could change the association to a better one within a shorter period if elected as president. “I know I can do great. And I will make all the changes that the association needs in just three months.”

His opponent Dr. Manneh argued that leadership requires competence and therefore should be a collective responsibility. “Leadership is not a matter of I will or I have because leadership is a collective responsibility and much more requires competence.” he said.

Meanwhile, Alagie Ansumana Ceesay was elected as First Vice President; Ebrima Dampha as Second Vice President; Abdoulie Fatty as Treasurer; Alpha Omar Kanagi as Secretary General; Ousman B. Camara as Chief Organiser and Lamin Jeng as Public Relations Officer.

Sheikh Omar Jallow, director of Creative and Performing Arts of the National Centre for Arts and Culture, explained that The Gambia Association of Professional Photographers was instituted by the NCAC as a national body to represent the interest of the photographers.