Madam Tambajang was speaking recently at a forum convened by mental health NGOs, The Peaceful Mind Foundation and the World Leaders for Mental Health.
The goal of the event was to outline the policies that need to be considered in terms of advancing public health particularly mental health in Africa.
She indicated that the way forward for Africa is the need to include those who are cast aside and the youth as they are the future.
The work, she added, starts with the leaders fighting against corruption and working towards a more effective, responsive government.
Madam Tambajang highlighted the need for African leaders to work together to include the African Diaspora, women, youth, NGOs and the private sector to unite in the discussion of advancing health care and making it affordable for all.
“No one can be left behind. In the process of implementing these policies, it is important for others to respect sovereignty and culture. African leaders need to monitor the progress of public health on an annual basis and have ambitious goals to achieve within the next five years and in intervals of every five years after that. Vigilance is of its utmost importance.”