Representing the BMC, Dr. Ahmed Gutiérrez Rama expressed gratitude to Dr Tangara on behalf of his colleagues for highlighting in the aforementioned official text that the help provided by the health professionals of the Caribbean Island resonates deeply with the Gambian people.
Dr. Ahmed accompanied the ambassador of the Greater Antilles in The Gambia, Rubén G. Abelenda during a meeting on Monday with the chancellor with the purpose of thanking Dr Tangara for the recognition that the Cuban collaborators received from the authorities of this brother West African country (The Gambia.)
For his part, Abelenda delivered to the head of Gambian diplomacy a letter of solidarity and gratitude from his foreign minister, Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla. Both interlocutors later took advantage of the occasion to review the very positive ties between their respective nations.
In the press release from the Foreign Ministry, widely disseminated by the national media, The Gambia unequivocally reaffirmed its solidarity with Cuba, particularly with regard to the need to lift the blockade on the island and exclude it from the spurious list of terrorism sponsoring countries.