He said the first part of the book is where Saffiatou has genuinely recognised men and women of our society who this nation and the world owes a lot. “We owe them a lot while they were alive and still owe them a lot more after they have left this earth. One of them is my own brother, my own Koto, my own MAWNAM, the late Dr Badara Alieu Joof,” he added.
“Saffiatou's words are oozing from "the spring of a pure heart" and an analytical mind; where mind is to be tackled within the following paradigms:
ONE - What is analytical in it. What is of will in it. What is food for the soul in it. Finally, what is of emotions in it, we can bring back Saffiatou's mind in the laboratory of analysis. It would then leave her mind within reason and rationality. Ultimately what comes next? Her mind and heart have found a comfort zone in imagination where they will taste the sweet fruits or palatable dishes Einstein made reference to in his famous quotes. What did we pick from those quotes? Knowledge is what has already been acquired whereas imagination is sweet. Exact words we would leave with Albert, on our side, let's hear his mind in the simple way. Imagination should be attached to, not detached from what is essential in own existence. Here we are in existence and left to understand why we are left between celestial and terrestrial culture. There are principles to guide us in what is existential. The principles have already been identified by Allah thru his Prophet Muhammad SAWS. As human beings, we are lodged in existence, coming from non-existence. Without any doubt, we will for sure return to non-existence within the context and concept we know in our minds and hearts,” he stated.