Chief Touray was speaking during the National People’s Party (NPP) massive political rally held at the Gunjur Car Park on Monday evening.
‘‘Everything is in place for the construction of the nine roads in Kombo South,’’ the chief said.
He revealed that electricity expansion is currently in the pipeline, adding that the OMGV electricity project would cover the entire country.
He also pointed out that the first-ever Solar Power Plant in The Gambia is situated in the Kombo South village of Jambur.
He added that the biggest hospital in the country is situated in the Kombo South village of Farato.
It is only government who can provide electricity, water and roads, he reasoned, saying Gunjur beach road construction is almost at the finishing touches.
Chief Touray further pointed out that President Adama Barrow has taken Gunjur as his home and adopted Fa-Saikoba Barrow of Barrow Kunda as his father.
“President Barrow loved Gunjur,” he affirmed, appealing to the people of the coastal settlement to rally behind the president.
He thanked President Barrow for his efforts in organising a political rally in Gunjur.
He also thanked everybody for attending the massive political rally in Gunjur.