The decision to abandon these cultural norms/practices affecting some rural communities is part of the grassroots NGO-which is operating in the Upper and Central River Regions-commitment in ensuring that the cultural practice is entirely wiped out within its intervention villages and the region at large.
Also, this breakthrough was reached after these communities had undergone three years of Community Empowerment Programme (CEP) courtesy of Tostan.
Inhabitants of the area including the beneficiary communities have hailed the grassroots NGO for what they described as changing the lives and livelihood of their communities.
At a declaration ceremony held at Sami Pachonki, CRR north, which was attended by representatives from the 60 communities, officials from Tostan, local authorities among a cross-section of the communities, circumcisers who mostly conducted FGC within the area “publicly abandoned the practise”.
They disclosed that after undergoing the three years CEP conducted by Tostan, they have now known the health implications involved in the deeply rooted practice.
Reading the declaration statement in English, Binta Ganno, of Karantaba Toro, said: “Our historic decision, which aims to reinforce the National Movement for the promotion of Human Rights and health in The Gambia, in Africa and the world is based on the Community Initiative originated in Tostan’s Community Empowerment Program (CEP) in partnership with government of The Gambia through the Women’s Bureau / Directorate of Gender under the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare and other partners in URR and CRR since 2006 to date. The communities that are here with us today, reinforced with sensitisation and social mobilisation activities by the Community Management Committees and Social mobilisation agents.”
She added; “We join the movement that started in Darsilameh Mandinka in Sandu District on the 15th of June 2009 and which has not ceased to shine in our regions, where more than 270 communities have now abandoned the practice of FGC and Child marriage to protect and promote women’s and girls’ health and sexuality.”
Ebrima Mankajang, the Steering Committee Chairman of Sami Pachonki, explained that the decision was reached after these partner communities underwent a three-year holistic Community Empowerment Program (CEP) led by Tostan facilitators, social mobilisation and sensitisation activities by CMCs.
“It is important to note that Tostan-Programme is not only focusing on Female Genital Cutting and Child marriage but also contributes to other processes of sustainable community development and wellbeing of community members in the areas of governance, health, education, environment and economic development. The approach is holistic, and uses respectful, engaging, friendly and non-judgmental approaches in empowering us to be able to decide and lead.” he posited.
"The testimonies of participants here is a clear indication that Tostan facilitators have created a safe atmosphere where our participants decide on their own when it comes to issues affecting them. What we do is to build their capacities and teach them and let them understand the negative issues affecting them. After they understand this, they will willingly abandon such practices,” stated Edrisa Keita, Tostan Gambia National coordinator.
Sainey Mbaye, deputy governor of CRR, reminded that the law that banned the practise of FGC is still in place, thus urged people of the region to desist from the harmful traditional practices.
However, he was quick to add that the practice has reduced in the region due to Tostan intervention.
“It’s safe to say, if Tostan continues their intervention in the region, in 20 years to come will not be complaining about some negative issues affecting women and girls in the region. The drama displayed by the participants is a clear indication that they understand the complication involved in early and forced marriage, FGC and teenage pregnancy,” Dodou Sanyang, CRR north regional health officer stated.
“Let me make it clear that Tostan didn’t give us money nor did they force us to drop the knife. What they do is to train us on and make us understand that this harmful traditional practice has a lot of health complications. Therefore, we are stopping the cutting because we now know it’s not only harmful but it leads to loss of blood among others,” Mama Jabbi, a circumciser stated.