The two-day convergence held at National Nutrition Agency (NANa), was convened by the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MOBSE) with support from International Research Center based in Canada.
At the opening ceremony, Pbebian Ina Grant Sanyang, principal investigator of the project, said that the project is aimed at strengthening access to quality comprehensive health education in The Gambia
For her part, Fatou Bittaye-Cham, principal education officer at MoBSE, stressed the need for more stakeholder involvement such as the media, saying it’s easier for them with the involvement of the media.
“When we talk about comprehensive sexuality education it is something that has to deal with youth of the nation. I know people do listen to the radios and watch TVs as well as social media. But we felt that journalists are very key in sharing the right information to the masses about the content of our research.”
She urged participants to make the best use of the training and help disseminate the right information to the public.