Appearing before the Truth Reconciliation and Reparation Commissions (TRRC), Bah testified that Azziz was detained at Mile Two (state central prison) just to kill Baba Jobe.
"Azziz and David Colley made some arrangements for Baba's wife to be bringing food for him in the prisons, which Baba agreed. And one day, a food was brought for him ‘full of meat,’ but I told Baba not to eat it because they wanted to kill him. Baba told me he had eaten something already, but I asked him to stop and not to give it to anyone till the following day. The following day, the meat changed and at some point, Baba started seeing pimples and boils from his neck downwards and he died when he was taken to the Banjul hospital."
Reacting to the testimony of current commissioner of operations alias Jumbo, the witness said Jumbo was a close aide to former prisons boss, David Colley, and that they decided things together.
"When David was arrested, I was with him in the same cell and I had seen what transpired there. It was Jumbo, who bailed David when he was taken to court.”
Bah, was arrested and tortured in Basse at the hands of OC Famara Jallow and they poured acid on his genitals.
He was arraigned before at Basse Magistrates’ Court, where he pleaded not guilty and was detained at Janjanburreh Prisons and then at State Central Prisons.
Talking about the food served at the State Central Prisons, the TRRC witness maintained that the food served at the State Central Prison is not fit for human consumption and that it has led to the deaths of many inmates due to the ailment beriberi.
"In the olden days the disease that used to prevail at Mile 2 is as a result of the "pap food”. I have never seen it in my life. Beriberi is a very dangerous disease and it easily kills. I suffered from beriberi and when I went to the medic, there was no medicine. Though, I was later treated."
Bah, who was accused of murder and robbery, said prisoners Touray and Abdoulie Jallow all died of beriberi as a result of the negligence of prison officers.
The witness, serving a life sentence, said that it is common scenario at the prisons seeing people who want to commit suicide because of the difficult life they lived.
He noted that the quality of food at the Mile 2 is still the same as during the time of former President Jammeh.
"Makudu Jahateh was tortured to death by PO Jabbie, Chief Tamba, Yahya Jaiju, and Ebrima Jammeh alias chief torturer," he alleged.
He also alleged that Ebrima, Soriba Conde, Lamin Jah, Ous Nicol and many people were also beaten seriously.