
Unauthorised medicine sellers plead guilty

Sep 24, 2024, 10:45 AM | Article By: Dawda Faye

Ousman Njie and Musa Sibi, unauthorised medicine sellers, yesterday pleaded guilty to selling prohibited medicines, and also selling them in a place which is not conducive. This development followed the reading of the charge sheet before Magistrate Touray of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court.

According to Prosecutor Nuha Bojang, who read the facts of the case, Inspector Babucarr Jagne and Modou Singhateh, a medical technician, on the 2nd September, 2024, visited the place of the accused persons at Serekunda. They discovered three cartons of unauthorised medicines. The accused were subsequently arrested. “The Medicine Control Agency then prepared quarantine and a seizure form,” Prosecutor Bojang asserted as he was reading the facts.

“Are the facts read by the prosecutor true?” the presiding magistrate asked the accused.

“Yes,” they answered.

“Do you have a pharmacy or a medicine store?” asked the magistrate.

“No, we placed the medicines on a table,” the accused replied.

“Did you register your business with the KMC or Attorney General’s Chambers?” Magistrate Touray wanted to know.

“No,” the accused said.

“How long have you been doing this business?” questioned the magistrate.

“Seven years,” the accused told the court.

At his juncture, Prosecutor Bojang applied to tender the three cartons of medicines and the quarantine and seizure form into evidence. The three cartons of medicines were shown to the accused who confirmed that they belonged to them.

The presiding magistrate granted the application made by Prosecutor Bojang to tender the items into evidence, and they were subsequently admitted into evidence by the court.

The case was adjourned to the 25th September, 2024, for judgement. The court then remanded the accused at Mile 2 Prisons.