Below is a press release from the Dakar based continental CSO:
AfricTivistes urges African citizens to choose an African Governance, Democracy champion
AfricTivistes initiated the African Governance and Democracy Champion recognition to help promote democratic governance in Africa through a more open and civic-minded approach. The public vote started on June 21th, following a detailed sorting and pre-selection process carried out by a panel of experts between January and May. This third phase of the process allows African citizens to
choose a champion from the five shortlisted and nominated by the panel of judges.
The champion will be officially announced by July.
At a time when democratic gains are under threat in several African countries, AfricTivistes has launched the "AfricTivistes Champion of Governance and Democracy" initiative. This distinction aims to promote the values of good governance, democracy and respect for institutions in Africa through the
promotion and defence of the fundamental principles of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG). The purpose is to single out an actor in political and public life or an entity (current or former head of State, public institutions, prominent state personalities, civil society organisations or leaders) who has had a substantial impact on the democratisation and good governance processes in his or her country between 2012 and 2023.
AfricTivistes is encouraging African citizens to identify the person they consider to have been the champion of governance and democracy in the performance of his or her duties following the identification of the nominees by the panel of judges.