Speaking to The Point exclusively, Tumani Ceesay, close relative to the missing man said Mr. Seray was last seen in 2013 when he travelled to neighbouring Senegal for greener pasture but never returned home.
“Seray was a hard working man in the village and a good footballer. He travelled to Senegal in 2013 leaving his two wives and four children at home,” he said.
He added that at some point, Seray Ceesay called home and informed the family that he wanted to return to the Gambia but since then, the family has never heard anything about him.
It is not clear whether Mr. Cessay is jailed in Senegalese prisons or dead but the family does not know anything about him since 2013.
Speaking sorrowfully, Tumani said Seray’s mother passed away in his absence and both wives returned to their various homes after having waited on their husband for long and his whereabouts is unknown to any family member.
“The father has also turned blind due to stress,” Tumani said anxiously.
Tumani described the loss of his brother as havoc for the family, thus he called on government, rights advocates and individuals to help them find their loved one.
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