His letter obtained by The Point, reads: "And then on the matter between myself and my brother Abubakary Jawara; this contentious issue has been going on for years, culminating in a legal battle in the courts that remains on-going litigation to date.
“I had made statements that hurt Dr. Jawara; and he has said that those statements cost him loss in his business. It is the nature of social media that statements can be conflated and extrapolated to levels and depths that were never intended by the originator of those statements. And it is undeniable that this has happened in this case.
“It was not my intention to hurt Jawara or his business and I am sorry that the situation evolved to that kind of effect as reported.”
Sabally further stated: “Several individuals and groups had attempted mediation between Jawara and me and those efforts are still on-going. I do not want this matter to be protracted any further and it is my resolve to end this conflict that had also hurt friends and families that Jawara and I hold dear in common.
The sacred bonds that bind Jawara and me as Sarahulleh and Badibunkas prohibit any legal tussle between the two of us.
In view of the foregoing, I hereby sincerely apologise to Abubakary Jawara for any inconvenience and loss caused by my writings and utterances about him and his businesses.
“I hereby seize this opportunity to thank all parties (individuals and institutions) that tried to mediate in this matter, especially the Supreme Islamic Council. Your efforts have not been wasted.”
“I must extend special thanks and appreciation to the judge who initially presided over this matter at the High Court, Justice Bakre: his sense of wisdom and care for brotherly love and peaceful coexistence in The Gambia were amply demonstrated during the trial as he counselled us to amicably resolve this matter and work together for the peace and progress of the country we both hold dear.”
In conclusion, Sabally says may peace reign supreme in the lives of the people in this peaceful country called The Gambia.
Meanwhile, Mr Abubakary Jawara accepted Sabally’s apology.