
Roots project convenes high-level meeting on implementation of 4PS

Jun 14, 2024, 12:41 PM | Article By: Momodou Jawo

The Resilience of Organisations for Transformative Smallholder Agriculture Project (ROOTS) yesterday convened a high level stakeholders engagement meeting on the implementation of the 4Ps.

The convergence, held at a local hotel in Senegambia, was attended by senior government officials, private sectors, farmers representatives as well officials from the Roots project.

Speaking at the convergence, Mamour Alieu Jagne, roots project director, underscored the significance of the forum, stating that Roots has two technical components which are increasing production and productivity while paying attention to environment and climate change, and access to market.

“The 4P model is what is chosen as the marketing tool for the Roots project, all our marketing efforts evolve around the 4Ps model,” he said. “The 4P model is not widely used in the Gambia; therefore, we had to seek the services of an international consortium made up of companies of the South but also a company fromThe Gambia to lead us in the implementation of the 4Ps.”

He added that the arrangement was also for them to work with the Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), with a view that “the GCCI will take over” after the contract period.

He further stated that the 4Ps requires engagement at a high level due to the policy implications and high-level decisions that are required to ensure the success of the 4Ps.

GCCI Business Development Officer Babucarr Saho said the 4Ps initiative served as a learning curve for GCCI: “We have been able to understand the agricultural ecosystem in The Gambia; it has opened our eyes to things and what agriculture can do for a nation, and expose us to engage with communities who are struggling everyday to make ends meet through agriculture.”

He added: “We understand beyond the meetings there are lives waiting to be impacted. Therefore, this initiative will fill gaps in the agricultural sector.”

    P.S Lamin Dampha, of the Trade Ministry, said the gathering would determine the fate of the ROOT project. “One of the major challenges agriculture faces is marketing,” he said. “We have been supporting some produce and we have seen the impact.”

He called for collaboration to intervene in other sectors of agriculture to boost investment and produce, which impacts the  the farmers and country's economy.

     P . S for Ministry of Agriculture, Mod A.K. Secka, said the project is out to enhance productivity, alleviate poverty among others but on the most important part of the phase, he said: “When you enhance productivity, the produce needs to find a market and if that market does not exist, it will dampen the farmers’ produce.

“We should therefore, come up with marketing strategies that are realistic to ensure every produce is sold.”