While tabling the bill, Hon. Sanyang said the bill seeks to give nominated councillors voting rights as opposed to the 2002 Local Government Act to ensure that the interest of all Gambians is represented in the Local Government.
He said nominated councillors are nominated and selected by the mayors and chairpersons in concurrence with the minister to represent groups that may not be adequately represented through the electoral process, such as women, youth, alkalolu, district chiefs and people with disabilities.
Giving them voting rights, Hon. Sanyang said, would ensure that their voices are heard, and they are considered in the decision making process. “It will also promote democracy and good governance,” he stated.
“It would enhance effective representation, participation in decision making and it will also help to know the view of stakeholders in the local government.”
“It would improve the quality of local government decision making. Nominated councillors and elected members often have expertise in specific areas, such as education, health and social welfare,” headed. “So giving them voting rights will allow them to contribute their knowledge and skills to the decision making process which will lead to better outcomes for the Gambians.”