He revealed that the secretariat is compiling the final report and recommendation of the selection panel to be submitted to the Attorney General.
It is expected that the report will be approved by the selection panel at the end of September 2024. The names of nine proposed commissioners have been gazetted by the Ministry of Justice during the first two weeks in October last year.
“These names will be formerly submitted to the National Assembly for further scrutiny and short listing to seven names,” he revealed.
“The call for application and nomination for commissioners for the reparation commission was opened throughout the month of April and 66 applications in total were received,” he said.
“The vacancy notice was advertised on three newspapers, Foroya, The Point and The Voice. Also on GRTS, QTV, Radio, and GamJobs.”
“Long and short listing of applications were conducted in May, 21 candidates were interviewed in June. However, upon compilation of interviews scores it was realized that a person with disability did not acquire the requisite scores to be recommended by the selection panel as a commissioner,” he explained.
“Section 12 of the victim reparation act states that the composition of the commission shall include seven members three of whom must be women, two must be victim's representatives, another two youth representatives and one must represent a disability organization.”
“Therefore, the secretariat requested for additional nomination from the Gambia Federation of Disable and Oath. On the 9th of August interviews of said persons were conducted.”
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