He added Justice Mary Mam Yassin Sey’s demise is a loss to the nation at a time when it is intensifying the search for Gambians of her stature, her competence and her experience to shoulder the very heavy burden of delivering justice to all who seek it.
The full text of his tribute reads below:
“It has been a sad three weeks for the Bench and Bar, for the Sey family and indeed for many others. Hence we are gathered here today in the courtyard of the Law Courts Complex in sad and solemn ceremony to honour and to pay tribute to our fallen friend and colleague the Hon. Justice Mary Mamyassin Sey who was, until recent when she answered the call of her Maker, a Justice of the Supreme Court of The Gambia. The Church service, befitting a senior dignitary of the Church, has preceded us, a solemn procession will follow us from here as we together convey our learned friend and colleague to her final resting place.
The demise of the Hon. Justice Sey is indeed a great loss to the Sey family, to friends, to neighbours and to colleagues; but a tremendous and unexpected blow to the Judiciary and to the administration of justice. It is indeed a loss to the nation at a time when it is intensifying the search for Gambians of her stature, her competence and her experience to shoulder the very heavy burden of delivering Justice to all who seek it.
At the age of 72, the Hon. Justice Sey had been blessed with an illustrious career that most members of the legal profession can only dream of.
Her career, spanning just over a half a century has seen her serve as a graduate school teacher, a Magistrate, a Private Legal Practitioner, a Judge of the High Court of The Gambia and finally as a Justice of the Supreme Court of The Gambia since April 2017. Her service was not limited to The Gambia. Other jurisdictions too benefitted from her talent. She was a legal adviser to the ECOWAS and a UN Judicial monitor in Liberia. Under the auspices of the Commonwealth she served as a Judge on technical assistance in Sierra Leone, in Swaziland/ Eswatini and in Vanuatu, the last posting she held before returning home to continue to serve her country.
Throughout her illustrious career, here and abroad, the Hon. Justice Sey built and maintained a reputation and will continue to be remembered for her integrity and for the highest level of professionalism she brought to bear on her work. She mastered thoroughly the art of being a Judge and of delivering Justice. She was extremely diligent in her work and could be counted upon at all times to speak for and to stand for the truth and for justice. I have indeed in this regard lost one who was truly my right hand in the Judiciary, one who was always readily available and willing to step in to oversee the Judiciary when other urgent calls took me away. We will remember her for her strict adherence to the law and to the demands and the need for justice. But we will also remember her for her courteous and polite demeanour. She was a delight and an inspiration to work with, as we her colleagues in the Supreme Court can testify. Many are the seekers of justice whose tears have been wiped away by the commitment of Hon. Justice to do justice. Since this our champion of justice fell, tributes have deservedly continued to pour in from here and from abroad, from members of the legal profession and from lay members of the public. People whose lives have been deeply touched by the judicial decisions and indeed by the friendly advice, guidance and support of Hon. Justice Sey. Our hearts reach out to her family and to her friends and to her colleagues in our collective grief and sorrow.
Our dear friend, our dear sister, our dear colleague of several decades, as you lie before us today in this your other home we thank the Almighty for the long life that He has bestowed on you; we collectively bear witness that you have lived that life virtuously; that you have dedicated that long and productive life to being a champion of truth and of justice, a true friend of the weak and a role model for current and future generations. So too shall we remember you, our lady Mary Mamyassin, for your courtesy and friendship and the warmth of your companionship, all which made working with you a wonderful and rewarding experience.
As we say adieu to you, Mary Mamyassin, we pray that the Almighty grants you peaceful repose and that He continues to protect and guide your family and friends and colleagues and all your loved ones who are so pained by your absence. God bless you.”