The investigation report dubbed as “Investigation Report into the Cocaine Seizure at the Banjul Sea Port” and the documents of the sales property at Fajara were tendered and marked as exhibits.
Meanwhile, another document dubbed the “Tenancy agreement between Binta Keita and Karpower”, which the prosecution also sought to tender, was objected to by the defence counsel on the basis that the document was in French language. The presiding judge is expected to make a ruling on the said document in the next adjournment.
Continuing his testimony yesterday, Lamin Gassama, the director of Investigation and International Corporation of the Drug Law Enforcement Agency-The Gambia (DLEAG), who is also PW6 in the ongoing cocaine case, informed the court that he was the lead investigator in the matter.
He further said: “After the seizure of the cocaine, a panel comprising officers from the DLEAG, Gambia Police Force, Gambia Armed Forces, Gambia Revenue Authority and operatives of the country’s State Intelligence Services was constituted to investigate the matter.
“After the completion of the investigation, I led the writing of the report. At the conclusion of the report, we all reviewed the report together and each of us signed the document.”
The case was adjourned till 13 and 20 January 2023 for ruling and cross-examination of the witness.
Details of the yesterday hearing will be published in our subsequent publication