
Kandeh pledges 5-year free treatment for pregnant women if elected

Jun 25, 2024, 11:38 AM | Article By: Dawda Baldeh

Mamma Kandeh, the leader of the opposition Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC), has pledged to implement a five-year free medical treatment programme for pregnant women if he wins the presidential election in 2026.

Speaking at a GDC rally in Sare Talata, Jimara Constituency, Kandeh addressed his supporters and highlighted the distinct challenges women throughout the nation face, committing to resolving those issues if he is elected.

“If GDC comes into power, we will introduce five years of free treatment for pregnant women across the country,” Kandeh told supporters in Jimara on Sunday, describing the health sector as weak.

He added: “We will make sure women get free treatment from pregnancy until their children reach five years.”

The opposition leader explained to supporters that his government would build hospitals across each region to ensure easy access to healthcare services.

Furthermore, Kandeh stated that his government would address pressing national issues and prioritise women and youth empowerment.

Speaking further on the misconception some people have regarding women empowerment, Kandeh said: “Some men fear the word women empowerment but it’s not what they think. It means supporting women to live a dignified life.”

He stressed that if women are empowered, they will complement the efforts of their partners.

Speaking on a range of issues, Kandeh criticised the government under the leadership of his rival President Adama Barrow.

 “We have all seen the failure of this government and we don’t need to waste time talking about it. Those who ignore this are following their interests,” he added.

Kandeh said his party, if elected, would resolve the nation’s struggles, asserting that the GDC is well-versed in the country’s issues and possesses the necessary solutions.

The opposition leader underscored that a GDC-led government would prioritise the nation’s interests in all circumstances.

He highlighted that the women and youth of the country have been misled for an extended period, and that must cease. He urged the citizens of Jimara to support the GDC in propelling the nation forward, disclosing his intention to eradicate the widespread corruption he believes is hindering essential development for Gambians.

Source: Fatu Network