“There is no doubt that we have the capacity of providing the country with the much needed cement. We produce more than 100,000 capacity of cement everyday with the highest quality. In fact, the cement we produce is 42.5 R which is of the international standard,” he said yesterday during a press conference at its factory at Brikama-Bafuloto
“We have not increased the price of cement for quite a while now. We are selling a bag of cement at 355 dalasis. In fact, it is important to note that we even reduced five dalasis as per bag was costing 360,” he clarified.
“The quality of cement we produce is not matched to any other cement that is brought in the country. The cement that other importers are bringing in the country is of low standard as it is 32.5 R. We can also bring the same 32.5 R that other importers are bringing in the country, but we want the best for the country and that is why we are producing the 42.5 R which is even used internationally.”
The development and advancement of the country, he went on, is among the top priorities of the Jah Oil Company, adding: “Jah Oil ventures into business with the desire of complementing the government’s efforts and equally providing Gambians with quality, standard and affordable services.”
“When the demand for cement was very high in the country, we decided to venture into the cement industry as prices of cement were skyrocketing,” he said. We ventured into the cement industry in order to help Gambians and ensure that prices of cement are stable so that average Gambians can afford it.”
“Today, we have an installed capacity of 100,000 a day. Whenever a situation comes into the country and there is a scarcity of cement, when we get into the market and do production for only two days, we flood the entire market. Therefore, I can tell you that capacity is not a problem for us,” he postulated.
“We have a capacity that is more than the country. If we do two days' production, we will supply the entire country and our markets will be flooded with cement. Again, on the issue of the scarcity of cement that happened before was as a result of some Gambians and majority of foreigners who were involved in the importation of cement.”
Gambia investment and development, he said, can only be done by Gambians. “The cement that was imported in the country in 2023 was over 227, 000 metric tonnes. In fact, at the time, Jah Oil was not involved in the cement industry. I can certainly tell you that the amount of money that we pump into the government as taxes among others is more than what the cement importers are paying. We paid GPA alone 15,000,000 dalasis if any of our cement vessels dock at the port.”
“We have never increased the prices of cements. The amount which we were selling per bag of cement is the same amount we are selling today also. However, it should be clear to all that we are not involved in the retail market. Jah Oil doesn't have even a single penny of cement that is being sold in our branches. The retailers will buy it at our 355 dalasis and later resell it. Therefore, any profit they have there is their money and not us.”
Hamidou Jah, the Chief Executive Officer of Jah Oil Company, spoke at length on the massive production of his company in the country, saying: “The amount of cement we produce in the country is more than what is even needed in the country.”
“I also want to clarify that Jah Oil has never at any point of time been favoured by the government. We have the best cements in the country. We could have brought the cement that is low quality and made a profit. However, the company is 100% Gambian and we want the best for the country and that is why we bring the 42.5 R cements.”