
GPF intensifies community policing in URR

Jun 26, 2024, 11:34 AM

The Gambia Police Force's Community Policing Unit, supported by GIZ, resumed its community engagement with a tour in the Upper River Region (URR) starting on June 24, 2024. 

The tour aims to educate the public on collaborative crime-fighting and the importance of reporting crimes, particularly focusing on sexual offenses, harassment, domestic violence, and other forms of gender-based violence. 

The first event was held at Suduwol Senior Secondary School in Baragi Kunda village, where OC Lamin Jaiteh, head of the community policing unit, urged attendees to report all cases of crime. Gender-based violence expert Fatou Faye and legal expert DSP. Fatoumatta Touray also addressed the audience on their respective topics. 

The team, including facilitator Lolly Camara and Team Kitabu D Comedian, who performed drama, continued their engagements at Bajakunda Senior Secondary School on June 25, 2024.