The Gambia stands in full solidarity with the Government and People of the Republic of Sierra Leone during this difficult period and expresses her zero tolerance for all acts directed to cause instability and threat to peace.
On the platform of the excellent relations between the Republic of The Gambia and the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Government of The Gambia assures its unyielding commitment to supporting the Government and People of the sister Republic of Sierra Leone to consolidate the democracy and good governance it has so far nurtured.
The Gambia applauds the manner in which the Government of Sierra Leone is handling the situation, and as we pray for everlasting peace, security, and stability for Sierra Leone and the entire ECOWAS Sub-Region and beyond, we call on the international community to support the current efforts being made by the Government of Sierra Leone to consolidate the gains made by this great Nation in sustaining constitutional order, rule of law, human rights, lasting peace, and stability.