‘‘Moroccan chair These relations, whose strength has never been altered by the passage of time, are in fact strengthened and deepened at every level by the passage of time,’’ he added.
The Kingdom of Morocco decided last year to open an Embassy in The Gambia. However, Chargé D'Affaires Belhadj pointed out that the opening of this diplomatic mission confirms the ‘‘excellent’’ relations between the two brotherly countries, as well as Morocco's commitment to raising these relations to the high and advanced level.
‘‘On the bilateral relations, this year was marked by several visits by delegations from various ministries,’’ adding that several draft agreements have already been finalized and would be signed in the very near future. ‘‘A bilateral Joint Commission will soon be held to decide on future actions.’’
On the parliamentary actions, a Morocco-Gambia Parliamentary Friendship Group was set up this year, to help boost parliamentary diplomacy between the two countries, he disclosed.
‘‘As you can see, we are moving forward together towards progress and joint, mutually beneficial emergence, in accordance with the wishes of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His Excellency the President of the Republic of The Gambia,’’ he told the gathering.
On a continental level, one of the pillars of the Kingdom's foreign policy remains its commitment to the economic and social development of our continent, he stated.
‘‘Over the past twenty years, Morocco has played an active role in the continent's development. Through its actions of solidarity, its approach based on the principle of South-South cooperation, but also through its investments aimed at contributing to the creation of sustainabl eeconomic growth with an impact on wealth and job creation on our continent.’’
‘‘Morocco's real attachment to this continent is illustrated by the many Royal Visitsit has made to various African countries. For example, since 2000, Morocco has signed over 1,000 agreements with more than 45African countries, making it one of the top two investors in Africa.’’
‘‘Similarly, Morocco's trade with sub-Saharan Africa has grown considerably in recent years.’’
Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Mamadou Tangara says that the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of The Gambia enjoys a long-standing and solid friendship.
“I am convinced that our excellent cooperation will remain a factor of progress for our two people,” he added. “I can proudly say that, The Gambia, through the Government of His Excellency values the special, fraternal relations that exist between our countries.”
“The commemoration of this year's 24th anniversary of His Majesty's accession to the throne is worthy of appreciation and recalling on the important role His Majesty plays towards the development and prosperity of the African continent and its peoples.