He stated that the confirmed cases, a male and female, both Senegalese have been under quarantine after returning from Senegal. Gambia’s last four cases of covid-19 were all Senegalese nationals.
“We have two new probable cases that have been recorded, while one of the probable cases is in quarantine for having recent travel history to Senegal and the other case is linked to the newly confirmed cases.”
He added that out of the 45 test results, 43 are samples taken from the newly tested individuals and two are repeated tests.
With regard to the results of the newly tested people, he said, 39 tested negative and two positive. He added that of the repeated test results, one of the recently confirmed cases remain positive whilst the other confirmed case tested negative.
“Seven people have been newly taken into quarantine, 17 people were discharged after tested negative upon completion of their mandatory quarantine period. We have four high risk contacts that were traced and 30 low risk completed follow up.”
He said the country currently has 39 under quarantine with 11 active cases and three probable cases.