
Gambia, EU sign €10M to enhance youth employment in Tourism

Jul 24, 2024, 11:30 AM | Article By: Press release

The European Union and the Government of The Gambia have signed the Financing Agreement - Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) for Tourism and Creative Industries aimed at furthering the development goals of the country, focusing on enhancing the competitiveness, inclusiveness, and sustainability of the tourism and creative sectors in The Gambia.

The agreement was signed by H.E. Corrado PAMPALONI, Ambassador of the European Union to The Gambia, and Hon. Seedy KEITA, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs of The Gambia, during a ceremony held at Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Centre. The event was attended by cabinet Ministers and representatives from the line ministries for the project, the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, and the Ministry of Trade, Industry Regional Integration and Employment along with the EU Gambia Partnership Office, high-level officials from both the EU and The Gambian government, the representative of the International Trade Centre in The Gambia, as well as representatives from various media houses.

Ambassador Corrado PAMPALONI of the European Union to The Gambia stated: "The signature of this agreement must be a call to action for all parties involved. The success of YEP Tourism will require a regular and robust dialogue between the Government and all stakeholders involved, and notably the private sector. Also, it will be paramount to ensure that the programme brings concrete benefits in terms of both direct and indirect employment, especially for the youth and for women, while at the same time ensuring the environment is preserved. In conclusion, let us make the world know that The Gambia’s superb climate, friendly people, tranquil beach resorts, diverse wildlife, rich culture, and historical sites make it an outstanding tourist destination. But also, let us make sure that tourism brings prosperity to all."

Hon. Seedy KEITA, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs of The Gambia, remarked: "Today marks another significant milestone in the EU-Gambia Partnership. As a dependable ally, the EU consistently supports the country's transition process with impactful and relevant interventions. At this juncture, we wish to reaffirm our commitment to our joint efforts in combating poverty and other societal ills that continue to affect our country. By supporting such interventions, we will together combat the scourge of irregular migration. We will harness the potential of the youth of the Gambia and consequently realize the demographic dividend resulting from such interventions."

The Financing Agreement will focus on the country’s productive sectors that are critical to The Gambia's development, including a new project called “EU YEP Tourism and Creative Industries” to be implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC). These investments aim to enhance the country's economic resilience, improve public services, and contribute to creating opportunities for sustainable development.

The European Union has been a steadfast partner in The Gambia's development efforts, providing support through various programmes and initiatives. This new agreement builds on the successes of previous collaborations and aims to deliver tangible benefits to the people of The Gambia.