“Overall, I think the appointment is good and what we should focus on is competence. We need people who can deliver. Again, I think he (President Barrow) couldn’t get a better Vice President than Alieu Badara Joof. He (Badara Joof) is a technocrat and he is experienced both nationally and internationally. He has worked for the World Bank and other international organisations. Besides, he worked under Jawara and Jammeh hence he understands the civil service,” he posited.
The Gambian leader President Barrow on Wednesday named his new cabinet ministers and created two other new ministries.
Some Gambians within and outside the country on Wednesday took to social media and described the newly appointed cabinet by President Barrow as inclusive and balanced which touches all regions and faiths.
Other commentators and observers expressed optimism that the new appointees would fulfill the palpable expectations for the new Barrow government to deliver.
The appointment of Badara Joof and other technocrats in his new cabinet, Dr. Ceesay further added, clearly demonstrates the president’s commitment to nation building and continuity, while further saying: “For me, if you have a good Vice President, we will have good result in terms of development,” he stated.
The University of The Gambia (UTG) Political Science Lecturer further added: “I think the President should appoint Women in the vacant ministerial positions. He should consider women so that we can have more women in the cabinet. Apart from that, this is a good start.”
Ceesay added: “Based on what we have seen in the team, we are all expecting a good result because the team determines the result. If you are a coach, your 11 players determine what results you are going to get. I think you realise that his team is less of politicians and more of technocrats and people who can deliver.”
The Citizen Alliance party leader said: “I believe the president is now focusing more on policies and that’s what is needed. We need policies that can accelerate the country’s development agenda. In fact, by creating a new ministry for Administrative Reforms and Policy Delivery show that the president really wants administrative reforms. Because of this, I think it’s a very good start but let’s see how it goes. I believe we should give him the benefit of doubts and see how it works. But it’s a good cabinet and well balanced and it has touched all regions and religions.”
Dr. Ceesay finally observed what is ‘missing’ in the new cabinet appointment, is a person with disability.
Coach Pasamba-Jow, an activist also wrote on his Facebook timeline, saying: “Thank you President Barrow for appointing a cabinet to help you run the affairs of the country. Except for a few concerns, I am generally satisfied with what I have seen so far.”
“To the incoming cabinet, your job is to uplift the Gambian people, particularly the poor and downtrodden. Yours is not to be mere cheerleaders, but genuine servants of the people. The country’s performance will rest mostly on how you conduct your duties without fear, favour, affection or ill-will in the interest of the people and in accordance with the constitution.”
“We the citizens will continue to hold you to account. We will applaud you when you do right, but will definitely criticize you if you do wrong. I wish you all the best in your new undertaking as ministers, and hope that together we will realise The Gambia that we all yearn for, a Gambia that we can proudly bequeath to the next generation,” he stated.