In welcoming Mr. Ningyu and delegation, Vice President Joof reaffirmed The Gambia’s commitment to the longstanding diplomatic relations with China and support to “the One China Policy.”
While thanking China for the support provided in various areas of national interest, the Gambian Vice President informed the Chinese Mission about the torrential rains that have recently flooded and devastated most parts of the country. Victims of the heavy downpour are temporarily sheltered in various schools and are in dire need of assistance in terms of food, medicine and resettlement.
VP Joof indicated that water purification systems and other services would also be needed to prevent infections and spread of water-borne diseases in flooded areas. He called on China to once again support The Gambia Government’s plans for the flood victims.
Responding to VP Joof’s request, the Chinese Deputy Head of Mission assured him of their continued support to The Gambia’s development agenda especially, in agriculture, medicine, rice production and other areas of national priority. Mr. Ningyu promised to present a detailed and comprehensive report about the floods and the plight of the victims to the authorities in Beijing.