
Chief Justice appoints new panel members for children’s court in Basse

Nov 1, 2021, 10:04 AM | Article By: Arfang M.S. Camara

His Lordship, the Hon. Chief Justice of The Gambia, Hassan B. Jallow CRG, acting on the powers vested in him pursuant to Section 69 of the Children’s Act 2005, has appointed Mr. Biran Saine, Mrs. Naffie Barry, Mr. Omar Jobe and Mr. Omar Jallow as Panel Members for the Consumer Protection Tribunal and Children’s Court in Basse, Upper River Division. 


They were sworn in on the 1st October, 2021.

The Children’s Courts as established, is mandated to hear and determine subject to section 213, criminal charges against a child, civil matters concerning a child including adaptation and application relating to child care and protection.

“Pursuant to Section 20 of the Consumer Protection Act 2014, His Lordship, the Hon

Chief Justice established the Consumer Protection Tribunal on 1st October, 2021.”

The Tribunal is located at the Bundung Magistrates Court. The Tribunal is headed by His Worship, Mr. Dawda D. Phatty as the chairperson and assisted by the Panel members in their deliberations.

The Tribunal is mandated to hear complaints in respect of a breach of the Consumer Protection Act 2014, and do anything necessary to address consumer complaints including request to the Commission to investigate any complaint.

“The general public is hereby advised to liaise with the Hon. Master and Registrar for any information relating to the courts.”