
Barrow’s death wish for Darboe attracts widespread condemnation

Jul 29, 2024, 10:51 AM

President Adama Barrow has been condemned for uttering incendiary remarks in which he expressed his desire to see Ousainu Darboe, the leader of United Democratic Party (UDP) die before he Barrow) leaves presidency – a comment that has attracted national condemnation.

During the inauguration of a NPP political bureau in Birkama on Saturday, Barrow said:  “I am taking an oath today that I’ll be President until Ousainu Darboe dies.”

He added: “I President Barrow, I’ll be President until He (Darboe) dies, only then will I leave the presidency.”

“Unless he (darboe) Dies I’ll not leave the presidency.”

“That’s the contract I’ve signed now.”

“Until my father (Darboe) dies, and it’s announced that he has indeed died, attend his funeral and then we go and bury him, that’s when I can finally say that I’ll leave this presidency,” Barrow finally declared.”

Reacting to these barbs, Talib Bensouda, Mayor, Kanifing Municipality stated:

“Poverty in the country is at an all-time high, with many Gambians anxious about how to secure their next meal. A boat carrying 300 youths escaping the country’s hardships just capsized, with at least 150 of them feared dead, adding to the thousands before them. A new hard drug called ‘Kush’ continues to destroy our youth and ravage our communities. There are no ID cards or driver’s licenses available in the country, and no Cashpower meters from Nawec. The rainy season is upon us, causing concern among farmers about their crops and residents about flooding.

Yet, President Adama Barrow, instead of addressing these pressing issues at a rally yesterday,  repeatedly swore about the prospective death and funeral of a party leader and former Vice President, Ousainou Darboe and very disturbingly vowed to remaining in power until the death of another human being just because he is your political rival. 

The President’s insidious statements disrupt the peace, tranquillity, and stability of the country and must be condemned by all politicians, religious and well meaning citizens in all corners of this country.

What I heard is not a joke, not politics, and cannot be justified by anyone. Another sad day in Gambia.

Let’s do better!”

Rohey Malick Lowe, Mayor of Banjul, President of Refela Africa

“My fellow citizens, I greet you all in the most revered way, Asalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Ta Ala Wabatakatuhu. Today, I speak to you in my capacity as the Mayor of Banjul, as a mother, as a sister and as a friend. But most importantly, as a Gambian.

I listened to the president's statement in Brikama last night with shock, disappointment and concern. It is my strong conviction that the president's statement against H.E Ousainou Darboe, is unfortunate, untimely and unpresidential. H.E Daboe's contribution to the advancement of Gambia's democracy is unquestionable. He has dedicated his entire life to serving this nation. 

In this country, we live as one people. And this we must continue to nurture. We must never allow politics to divide us such that we would wish death upon each other. 

As political leaders, it is important to always be mindful of statements we make especially at public gatherings. For if there were to be chaos, women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities who are the most vulnerable would suffer more. And as leaders we must never allow to create situations where we make their lives uncomfortable. 

Therefore, I would implore on the president to withdraw his statement and apologize to H.E Darboe and the Gambian people for his unfortunate statement. I wish to also seize this opportunity, to encourage us all to continue to promote peace and avoid making such divisive statements. I pray that peace continues to reign in our dear country.

For the Gambiam Our Homeland.”

Musa Ousainou Yali Batchilly, Party leader, 

Gambia Action Party

Dear President Adama Barrow,

As the leader of our nation, it is crucial to uphold the principles of unity, respect, and justice as enshrined in our constitution. Recent derogatory remarks made against members of the opposition, particularly the United Democratic Party (UDP), contradict the oath you took to protect every citizen, regardless of political affiliation. 

Such statements not only undermine our democracy but can also incite division and hatred, which is detrimental to the unity we all strive for.

It is vital to recognize that those in opposition today, including former supporters, deserve protection and respect under your leadership. 

Wishing harm upon any individual, especially those who have been part of your political journey, is both morally and legally wrong. We urge you to focus on pressing national issues like the rising cost of living, recent floods, erratic electricity supply, and increasing corruption and crime. Addressing these challenges is where your leadership should be directed.

We call upon your cabinet members and advisers to refute such inflammatory statements and counsel you towards constructive governance. The silence or support of such rhetoric only deepens societal divisions. 

Lead with compassion, integrity, and commitment to the values of our constitution, focusing on the well-being of all Gambians.”

UDP’s condemnation 

On Saturday, July 27, 2024, while inaugurating a political party bureau in Brikama, the President stated to a cheering audience that he will remain President until Mr. Ousainou Darboe’s death. Here is a translated version of the essence of his statement, which he made in Mandinka ….. Omitted

These remarks are disgusting, irresponsible, and dangerous. Worse, it is a HATE SPEECH and threat to the life and well-being of Ousainu Darboe since the President spoke with much certainty. Backed by state power, and the fact that he had previously declared UDP as a threat to national security, he has the means, access and motive to make citizens to believe that a threat issued by the Head of State may be executed without consequences. 

His Excellency Ousainu Darboe is a family man with children and grandchildren who adore him and wish to have him in their midst as long as possible. Mr. Darboe is aware of the comments, and as a man of faith, he would like his supporters to remain calm, that he believes that he has no power over what God has destined for him and prays that when the inevitable comes, that it comes at a time when his Lord is most pleased with him. 

It is our collective responsibility as citizens, but more so as leaders, to appeal to the best versions of those we seek to lead. This responsibility is even greater on the President, in whom many have reposed trust to preside over the nation’s affairs.

It is unfortunate, that the President, who recently presided over a national dialogue, would stoop so low as to reveal such vile desires that should not reside even in the farthest recesses of one’s innermost thoughts much less be uttered in public to cheers and applaud. 

President Adama Barrow fails this basic leadership test in decency at every opportunity he is presented with. Instead of being a unifying figure, he seeks to fuel resentment. Instead of focusing on policies that impact the lives and well-being of the citizens, he seeks to focus on personalities in a vengeful way.

UDP calls on the National Human Rights Commission to engage the President on this unstatemanlike conduct.

As we head for 2026, remarks like this are incendiary and could spark political violence at a time when nations are at their most vulnerable. We demand that the President tones down his rhetoric and demand a full retraction and an apology to the Gambian people in general for consistently reducing the nation’s highest office into disrepute.

Ousainu Darboe and brief political career

Ousainu Darboe is the main opposition leader of UDP and he is 76 years old. He ran for presidential elections in 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011. He did not contest for the 2016 presidential elections because he was jailed and later pardoned by then president-elect Adama Barrow who won the election.

Darboe was appointed foreign Minister till 2018 and was promoted as vice president till 2019 before he parted with Barrow for political differences. Barrow defeated him in the last presidential elections in 2021 when he won the election with 53.%.

Barrow and Darboe were members of UDP and it was Darboe who schooled him in politics.

The current constitution of The Gambia has no term limit for presidency.

Barrow, who is 59, contested presidential elections twice in 2016 and 2021 and won all. It is yet to see whether he would contest for the next presidential election which is 2026.