In an interview with The Point, Jawara said: “There is massive transformation that is currently taking place in the country from all sectors, especially on the country’s road infrastructure. Therefore, for this trend to continue, we need to give the president that support.”
He explained further: “As a country, we can also meet other developed countries with tangible infrastructural development if we are united as a nation and support the governmental aspirations. We can have divergent views on policies and programmes, but supporting the nation’s development and betterment, should be a priority for all of us.”
The world, he went on, is developing, thus the country also needs to develop. “We can’t just be politicking or criticising the government continually without meaningful or constructive agendas put forward. The government also needs all hands on deck for the nation's development. Countries around the globe have political parties with different ideologies, but when it comes to the betterment of the country, they are all rally behind the leader for their own development.”
Continuing further, Jawara applauds the Gambian leader for calling for a national dialogue, saying: “This will go a long way towards national unity and ensuring that we all work together as Gambians irrespective of our political affiliation or differences for the common good of the country.”
“In fact, political dialogue could have been a better start for the country to bring more development agendas to the table. Through such dialogue, leaders of different political parties would be discussing how to transform the country and what ideas they have for the government to implement.”
Commenting on the on-going operation-clear the road initiative which is aimed at removing illegal encroachment on our main highways, Jawara welcome the idea, adding: “Angola used to encounter similar troubles in their public roads until he (Jawara) wrote to the Angolan President to have the public space cleared for smooth flows of the traffic and business.”
“Immediately my letter reached out to the Angolan leader he wasted no time in implementing my request to have public highways clear until now it's a culture in Angola for everyone not to allow any illegal structures on the public domains and I expect the same culture to continue in the Gambia,” he said