The motion was tabled before the members by the Minister of Defence Sheikh Omar Faye.
According to the Defence minister, the amendment protocol No1 was signed on the 22 June 2012, in the agreement between the governments of the Republic of Turkey and The Gambia on cooperation in military fields of training, techniques and science.
"This protocol amended Article XIV of the agreement on cooperation in military fields of training, technology and science signed on 5 May 1999," he said.
He added the Turkish government has been assisting The Gambia Armed Forces by providing allowances to Gambia Armed Forces students undergoing military training in various Turkish institutions. The government of The Gambia pays the difference between individual entitlements in terms of allowance and what is paid to them by Turkey.
Defence Minister Faye point out that the protocol seeks to implement the military financial cooperation agreement signed by the two countries. “Under this protocol the government of Turkey will provide financial support to The Gambia Armed Forces, while the government of The Gambia agreed not to give military items provided to The Gambia under the financial cooperation agreement to a third party without the prior consent and approval of the government of Turkey.”
The Defence minister recalled that The Gambia government has a long standing bi-lateral relationship with Turkey dating back from independence. “The relationship continues to be consolidated, developing into diplomatic ties aimed at promoting stronger economic and security collaboration. This led to the signing of four agreements between the government of Turkey and the government of The Gambia in the area of military cooperation.”
He noted that the military financial cooperation agreement between government of Turkey and the government of The Gambia was signed in Istanbul on 2 May 2019.
“Under the protocol, the government of Turkey will provide the financial assistance in the amount of 100,000,000.00 Turkish Lira equivalent to 17,000,000.00$ (100,000,000.00+0.17 USD= US$17,000,000.00) for a period of five years while The Gambia will ensure that items provided under agreement are not removed from the inventory and given to a third party without the prior consent and approval of the government of Turkey.”