
Appointments at KMC failed to follow due process - HR Manager

Oct 25, 2024, 10:02 AM | Article By: Ali Jaw

Dembo Jah, the human resource manager of the Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC), has admitted before the Local Government Commission of Inquiry that some of the job appointments at the KMC did not follow due process.

He cited the appointments of Isatou Faal (former public affairs manager) and Nourideen Adams (protocol officer) as instances.

Jah relayed that some of the job opportunities or vacancies in the KMC were advertised while others were not advertised.

When Lead Counsel Patrick Gomez asked why, he said he had no answer to that.

“Why? You were the HR manager,” Counsel Gomez said.

However, Jah expressed that he thought the CEO and the senior management of KMC should have answer that.

He testified that in terms of appointment, his advice was not considered, adding he was told that he was not there to advise.

He informed the Commission that the KMC does not have a system laid down to dictate job appointments.

He alleged that KMC sometimes does “head-hunting” for certain jobs, further adding that in most instances, due process was not followed. He reiterated that whenever he gives his opinion regarding appointment, it would be disregarded.

He was most of the time evasive as he repeatedly said the management of the KMC is better placed to explain why due process was not followed.

At a certain point, the Lead Counsel Patrick Gomez referred him to the terms of reference of his job, which stated unequivocally that he was responsible for recruitment. He agreed.

The witness was handed the files of Isatou Faal (director of public affairs) and Nourideen Adams (protocol officer). 

The lead counsel asked him his understanding of conflict of interest in recruitment or employment. Jah responded that the person doing so is required to follow due process, and when the person has a conflict, he or she should not participate in that process. 

“When it comes to recruitment [at the KMC], I only facilitate it, but I do not have a say” he testified.

He said in 2018 there was no structure in place at the KMC for recruitment: "There was no structure in place – there was no proper scheme as of 2018, and there was no scheme of service at the Council.

He testified that where there is a proper system, the minimum qualification for appointment is considered first before you talk about experience. This means one needs to get the academic qualification as required. 

While reading from the employment file of Isatou Faal (ex-director of public affairs), the HR manager said she was offered employment on the same day she applied (7 June 2018).

The witness was asked the minimum requirement for the position of PR manager, and he stated that a bachelor’s degree should be the minimum requirement.

Earlier, Jah stated that the minimum requirement is a high school certificate, which was regarded as “professional dishonesty” by Lead Counsel Patrick Gomez.

“The application is having the same day with the employment letter,” Jah said.

“The applicant [Isatou Faal] applied on the same day, she was appointed on the same day, and you signed the letter employment the same,” the lead counsel said.

“The process was not followed,” Jah said, later adding that he signed on behalf of the CEO, who instructed him to do so.

“Under normal circumstances, that should not happen. Probably, it is an oversight,” he claimed. He added that it is, probably, an arranged appointment.

At this juncture, the witness was referred to the audit report regarding the direct entry (appointment)of people in the KMC without following due process and without having the necessary qualification. Isatou Faal, the former public relations / public affairs manager was specifically mentioned. 

Isatou Faal resigned on 7 December 2022, but Jah said he did know why she resigned, adding he cannot say much about Isatou because she used to report to the director of administration. Jah said he also wrote at least three letters to Isatou Faal for her frequent absenteeism

For Nourideen Adams, protocol officer, Jah said the same problems with Isatou’s appointment applies to his.