He added that the government’s budgetary contribution to the sector, “project loans and grants directed to the agriculture sector is in excess of D2 billion for 2024.”
“Donor funding continues to be relevant for the sector, supplementing government’s effort to transform the agriculture sector. The Ministry of Agriculture is expected to receive D661.4 million from the African Development Bank for the implementation of the Building Resilience Against Food and Nutrition Insecurity Project, The Gambia Agriculture and Food Security Project, The Gambia Incentive-Based Risk Sharing system for Agricultural Lending Project (GAMIRSAL), and The Africa Emergency Facility Project Fund.”
He also revealed that the Ministry would also receive D231 million from the World Bank Group for the Gambia Inclusive Agriculture Value Chain Project (GIRAV) and another D686.75 million for the Small Ruminant, the Rice Value Chain and Regional Soil Mapping projects. He added that IFAD is expected to provide the Ministry of Agriculture with D140 million for the Roots Project.
“In the 2023 fiscal year, the agriculture sector has witnessed substantial growth in the scale and number of agricultural projects, underscoring the government's unequivocal commitment to and prioritisation of this sector,” Finance Minister recalled.
“The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) has made commendable progress towards its objectives and continues to engage in partnerships aimed at implementing initiatives aligned with the Recovery Focus National Development Plan, further advancing the sector's transformation,” he added.
Notably, he said the Ministry of Agriculture has introduced a comprehensive post-COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan, focusing on bolstering the resilience of farmers through the National Agricultural Extension Policy.
“This policy is designed to foster sustainable production, enhance capacity, improve governance, and facilitate partnership establishment.”
Minister Keita dilated that the recent introduction of a Cooperative Policy reflects the Ministry's dedication to fostering a nationwide approach to cooperatives, while upholding the principles and values that underpin these entities, particularly their autonomy.
The policy also outlines essential legal and regulatory measures to facilitate its effective implementation, he added.