
Let’s promote inter-security collaborations!

Jun 22, 2021, 1:48 PM

Ensuring security is an integral component in any development crusade. And any joint collaboration among different security forces is crucial in achieving meaningful result despite complex nature of any problem.

It is fact that rivalry between security agencies is unavoidable in some instance and The Gambia is an exception. It is a global challenge when handling and dealing with security problems. However, one of the major obstacles to the effective fight against the many security challenges is inadequate inter-agency cooperation among the security forces.

The more different units in the services collaborate, the more positive and successful they stand to triumph especially when dealing with multi-faceted threats.

It is in the news that the Commissioner General of the Gambia Revenue Authority has spoke on the need for greater team spirit, strong cooperation and solidarity among the different security forces in the country in a bid to ensure meaningful result.

Commissioner Darboe was speaking recently during a field visits to various GRA regional offices across the country. There is need to promote synergy and better cooperation among the different security forces to be able to better complement each other’s mandates.

Without such tactics and complementary moves, it would be difficult to maintain peace and order. It must at the back of mind that tackling security matters is a collective responsibility. And as such there is need to share important information especially on issues that are deemed security threats.

Security is an all-inclusive concept in every human society. Therefore, security and survival are the two major threats to human existence since time in memorial. Globally, insecurity is a serious challenge for nations.

Collaboration among different in law enforcement can be challenging, as different agencies have different cultures and ways of doing things. But they also have different perspectives and different areas of expertise, and collaboration can be very beneficial if done effectively.

The more we collaborate, the more ready there are in promoting greater efficiency in service delivery, thus improving quality and quantity.

"Collaboration has no hiearchy.

The Sun collaborates with sun to bring flowers on the earth

Amit Ray

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