
On inauguration of National Medicine and Therapeutic Committee!

Apr 13, 2023, 11:06 AM

Keeping a close eye on the types of medical drugs that come into the country forms an important cornerstone in the health and wellbeing of the populace.

Health they say is wealth. It is a proven fact that availability of quality essential medical drugs means promoting the wealth of a nation. In view of this widely held belief, it is important that authorities put strict surveillance and monitor the types of medical drugs that find their way into the country.

It is a fact that millions of counterfeit or fake drugs have blossomed in the recent past and most of these syndicates target developing countries especially in this part of Africa.

It is in the news that the National Medicines and Therapeutics Committee (NMTC) set up by the Ministry of Health was inaugurated on Tuesday.  The inauguration of this important advisory body cannot be overemphasised. 

Around the globe most developing countries are grappling with the proliferation of millions of fake and sub-standard drugs in their health system. Sometimes, consumption of these sub-standard drugs only deteriorates the medical condition of those who consumed it.

Therefore, the availability of counterfeit and fake do not only pose a great health risk, but also pose a great challenge in combating the nefarious business at the expense of the wellbeing of people. 

However, this new committee, according to officials, is a policy recommending body that oversees medication management in health systems. The committee, which consists of medicine experts, is tasked with the responsibility of formulating and implementing policies on medicines selection and use in The Gambia.

With the inauguration of this committee, the Gambia is on course towards the elimination and eradication of counterfeit and substandard drugs in the country's health care systems.

We want to commend the Ministry for the timely move, coming at a time when the country, the ministry in particular, emerged from backlash over the death of seventy plus children, whose death is linked to the consumption of Indian/contaminated cough syrup.

To the committee members, the ministry has placed high hope in you and you should rise to the occasion. Never take anything for granted. Always remember that the health of the population supersedes any other interest. To whom much is given, much is expected.