
Good Mr. President: On Casamance, TRRC

Mar 21, 2022, 11:44 AM

Mr. President, the situation in Casamance in Senegal has been escalating for the past few days with the Senegalese army launching attacks on the MFDC bases and seizing them which resulted in one Senegalese soldier killed and several people wounded.

Following these offensive attacks by the Senegalese army, hundreds of people in the Fonis especially those who share borders with Senegal have left their villages to find refuge in other parts of the country.

Mr. President, the battle between the Senegalese army and MFDC has caused a lot of panic in the Fonis leading to schools closures, no political activities and businesses. Gambian security should be alert and take actions against those causing the instability. The current situation should not be politicised and people should refrain from spreading fake news through the social media giving reports that create​ fear and panic amongst the people of Foni who have left their villages.

Mr. President, it's high time that the Gambia government takes action to help​ people of​ Foni​ feel comfortable in​ their settlements.​ Your government should work hand-in-glove with Senegal since we are next door neighbours and what happens in Senegal will automatically affect the lives of people living in the Gambia. The issue of the 40 year old Casamance conflict should be a concern to both countries that should work together by patrolling their borders and exchanging intelligence reports. The two governments should join efforts to make sure that this banditry should be wiped out immediately. MFDC aims to destabilise the security of the two countries to enable them to continue the illegal traffic of drugs and selling of timber to get funds to equip themselves. They will also join hands with jihadists who are many in the subregion if not stopped causing destabilasation in the subregion. The intelligence services of the two countries should identify members of the MFDC and monitor them closely and their activities.​
Mr. President we congratulate the police for introducing a new number 117 accessible to the public free of charge to inform them of crimes within their areas. People should take this opportunity to eliminate crimes in the country, kudos to IGP Abdoulie Sanyang.

Finally Mr. President, TRRC has recommended amnesty to the former vice chairman of Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council, Sanna Sabally​, who was accused of lot of atrocities and the killing of 11 soldiers and military officers in November 1994.​ We agree with the Victims’ Centers who have denounced this amnesty. Those who are named by TRRC and were not present during the atrocities and were out of town should be considered for amnesty when they show their passports and it's correct. Those also named in the 2017 report when Jammeh left should be considered for amnesty whilst those who​ committed atrocities should not be given amnesty but should face the full force of the law.

Mr. President, the release of junglers Alieu Jeng on March 18 2022 after 5 years detention and Malick Jatta on August 2019 should be followed up. They participated in the killing of co-founder of The Point Newspaper; Deyda Hydara in 2004 should all be prosecuted without delay.

Good day!

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