
Good Morning President-elect: On term limit, media relations​

Dec 20, 2021, 12:15 PM

Mr. President-elect, on December 7th 2021, you announced that the government under your leadership would introduce the two term limit before the end of your second term.

It is a noble idea and we encourage you to work on it soonest.​

Mr. Pres­ident-elect, all genuine Gambians who love the country will advice you not to ​overstay in office.​

Overstaying in power will only bring instability and unnecessary coups.

We have seen examples of Mali and Guinea Conakry where their leaders overstayed and it resulted in coups.

Mr. Pres­ident-elect, the best advice to you is for you to implement the plan of two term limits and make it retroactive. Do not listen to the sycophants, who are there for their interests.

You always preach that you are a man of peace and you are a democrat which you have manifested ​since you assumed office by​ promoting freedom of expression, which Gambians last enjoyed before July 1994.​

Mr. Pres­ident-elect, you are now on the right track, so don't jeopardise your legacy by overstaying in power.

We will advise you to say bye-bye to politics by the end of 2026 and live as a private citizen in the country if you want to earn respect and love from Gambia, Africa and the world at large.​

You will also stand the chance to win the Mo Ibrahim Prize.

Mr. Pres­ident-elect, African presidents should learn to stop being greedy and overstaying if we want to move the continent. African presidents should follow the examples of Mandela, Patrick Lumumba and Senghor.

Mr. Pres­ident-elect, during this term, your number one priority should be to promote national reconciliation, fight tribalism​ and fulfill your campaign promises.

As The Point Newspaper celebrated its 30 years of existence last week, we commend your government for the Freedom of the Press which is the order of the day. At least now, there is little or no more censorship, no intimidation of the press, no killing and disappearance of journalists, burning down of media houses or houses belonging to journalists​ compared to the worst time of the 22 years regime of dictator Jammeh.

The media and government are not enemies but partners in development.

The draconian media laws should also be scrapped.​

The government should assist to facilitate the acquiring of lands for media houses for ​their offices, and taxes to be reduced because there is no profit in the business.

The media promotes divergent views, and democracy, educating and informing the public about issues affecting their daily lives. We depend on adverts and subscriptions which are not usually paid on time.​

Your government should uphold cordial relations with the media guided by good governance and the rule of law.​

Merry Christmas in advance to you, your family, ​our readers, advertisers and the entire Gambia populace.​

Good day! 

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