
 GOOD MORNING MR PRESIDENT: Vehicle maintenance; conflict of interest

Sep 11, 2023, 9:50 AM

Mr President, it is important to raise the fact that the maintenance of government vehicles and their fuel consumption takes huge chunk of the national revenue year in, year out.

The increasing cost of vehicle maintenance the government is faced with nowadays could be attributed to the policy shift under the current administration. 

There are more government vehicles today under your administration than in the first and second republics. Today there is no central workshop for the maintenance of government vehicles as it used to be the case yesteryear. 

Before, only top government officials, permanent secretaries, directors, ministers and essential service chiefs were authorised to have or allocated government vehicles. Nowadays, there is no limit to the allocation of official vehicles. The consequence is high cost of fuel and maintenance for government.  Such expenditure should be controlled and the monies saved could be used to support vital sectors of the economy. The Ministry of Finance must take the bold step to redress the situation.

Mr President, last year, according to the budget statement, Government spent D2,283,377,174 as general expenses on travels, fuel, vehicle purchase and maintenance of cars. In 2021 Government spent 239 million Dalasis on vehicle maintenance, the budget added.
Thus, Government should seriously think about establishing a Maintenance Service Agency which will be the central location for the maintenance of all its vehicles, etc. 

Mr President, another noteworthy point is conflict of interest in the government circle. It would be good for your government to introduce measures that will prevent conflict of interest by civil servants and ministers.

It is not ideal that government officials or ministers have their personal businesses and institutions that they award government contracts to in order to make money or profit from government coffers or outlays. Such an act is unethical and should not be tolerated.

Mr President, any official or minister found wanting for conflict of interest should be forced to resign; otherwise the image of your government will be tarnished and dented. 

Good day!

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