
Good Morning Mr. President:​ Gambia and Senegal should work closely on security matters

Feb 7, 2022, 11:44 AM

Mr. President, The Gambia and Senegal should work closely on security matters to protect their citizenry.

The two countries are condemned to live together in peace and harmony.
They are interrelated and nothing can be done in these two countries without the participation of the two governments.
Historically we share the same culture​ and blood ties.

Mr. President, the peace and security of these two countries should not be compromised because in case of any incursion, both countries will suffer the same.​ Therefore it's the responsibility of the two governments to work together to make sure that there is peace and stability in both countries.

It is important that the two countries do not pay heed to any outside irresponsible talks which can bring confusion and chaos to both countries.

Mr​. President, the background of the MFDC and its founders and members are not well known and it's time that they are properly investigated.​
We should not ​allow a particular rebel group to destabilise the two countries because of their selfish interests.
The two governments should take a proper stance to fight against the trafficking​ of illicit drugs and illegal trading of timber​ by any particular group being rebels, soldiers, groups or any other business men.
On January 24th 2022, there was a clash between the Senegalese army and MFDC, four Senegalese soldiers were killed, seven kidnapped up to time going to press,12 MFDC (militants) are still in detention.

Mr. President, last week there was a coup attempt in Bissau and President​ Umaru​ Sissoco Embalo said​ the incursion was never done by the national army but drug dealers .​

The Guinea Bissau government spokesperson, Fernando Vaz also said over the weekend that the MFDC was involved in the abortive coup​ which​ claimed 11 lives, four of them civilians.

Mr. President, taking a closer look at security issues and threats in the region, it's the duty of the governments of The Gambia and Senegal to work hand-in-glove and make sure these two illicit acts; trafficking of both drugs and timber logging are halted immediately.
The two forces should make a joint patrol of our borders because they are porous and this would help detect any possible security threats for the two

Mr.​ President, MFDC should be monitored closely because they have equipment and finance through drug trafficking and logging.​

The MFDC leader Salif​ Sadio last week issued a warning to The Gambia and ECOWAS asking them to stay away from the Casamance conflict, else ....,

These warnings and threats should not be taken lightly as it's threatening the lives and livelihoods of people around the borders like the Fonis which can lead to some people fleeing to other neighborhoods because of fear.

The international community should help the two governments with equipment, training and other resources to help them fight to eliminate this drug menace and the illegal logging.

Good day!