We feel honoured and proud that the Gambian delegation formed the majority in YALESI 2016, and the Gambians dominated the conference in terms of feedback, contribution and participation at the conference proper and the side events.
The aim and object of the YALESI 2016 was to bring youth fraternity to the limelight in the areas of the Agribusiness and other entrepreneurial skills, thanks to the Gambia government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
The 2nd Global Youth Summit on Employment and Hunger are two key issues that have been impacted by the economic crisis.
This is particularly true for youths living in developing countries, representing 85 per cent of the world’s youth.
In an attempt to address these issues, the Global Youth Innovation Network, GYIN, has initiated its second Global Youth Summit called the 2016 Youth Agribusiness, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship Summit on Innovation (YALESI 2016).
According to officials, The Gambia formed the majority as YALESI 2016 Dakar conference was in progress.
The 26 Gambian delegates’ participation in this conference was very encouraging, making noise all over for our voice to be heard.
We are grateful to the Ministry of Youth and Sports and GCAC through NEDI and NYC for supporting us all the way.
The summit prioritised young people’s needs, considering their developmental needs and aspirations in the 2016, and also included underserved populations, such as girls, to an effective and inclusive employment strategy for all the youths in order for them to contribute their part to the national development, from which the young people are not excluded.
The summit, which witnessed the representatives from over 100 countries comprised Europe, America and Africa and gave its participations the tools to learn and share how young women and men, especially in rural areas, to develop their livelihood in through agribusiness, and by increasingly acquiring new capacities and developing innovative solutions to transform themselves as Hunger Fighters, Job Creators, Innovators, and Change Agents.
The summit also highlighted the youth participants and partner organisations presentations on proven innovative agribusiness and entrepreneurship practices, by sharing their knowledge, expertise, challenges and success stories.
According to the participants of YALESI 2016, one of the success stories was that the delegates had created very good network with donor partners like IFAD, CTA, Arizona State University, and GYIN global network for further support.
They said the teams have pledged to continue and establish a consortium at NEDI to continue supporting each other on business plan development and presentation, and training activities as part of the NEDI mentor-ship programme
According to the media and advocacy officer of the NYC, Baboucar Kebbeh, prior to their departure, they were privileged to meet with the Pan African Youth President who was on an official visit to Banjul on the Banjul+10, and they were seen off by the Hon. Minister Alieu K Jammeh at the ferry terminal, the coordinator, alongside with the team leader Badjie of NEDI.