A 25-year-old man is in dire need of support to undergo overseas medical treatment, doctors treating the patient have recommended.
Baboucarr Barrow, a resident of Sukuta, is seeking moral and financial assistance from philanthropists, NGOs and individuals to enable him undergo an overseas treatment anywhere possible.
According to the patient’s doctor, Barrow is highly recommended for overseas neuro-surgery.
The medical report obtained from the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH) states that Barrow has been diagnosed of Ls –S1, central Disc Herniation with Degenerative lumbar spine changes.
The report states that Barrow was presented at the orthopaedic outpatient clinic on 24 April 2009 with a five-year history of waist pain radiating to the back and legs.
The report also states that the patient has been treated with analgesis and vitamin but there has been no improvement.
Meanwhile, whoever wishes to extend a helping hand to the young man can call him on +220-9955603, or +220-6655123 or better still via email to thepoint13@yahoo.com.