One Haddy Ndoye, a woman residing in Kanifing was on Wednesday 21st March, 2009, sentenced by the Bundung Magistrates' Court presided over by Magistrate Kumba Sillah Camara to a fine of D2, 000 and also D5, 000 as compensation to the complainant or in default to serve 2 years in prisonment.
According to the particulars of the offence Haddy Ndoye on or about the 21st October, 2008, around at mobile traffic wilfully broke the windscreen of one Madi Nget's vehicle with registration number BJL 5813 E and threw stones at him contrary to section 312 cap 10 volume 3 laws of The Gambia.
She denied the charge.
In her judgement, Magistrate Kumba Sillah Camara told the court the prosecution has called in two witnesses while the defence had called only one witness. She further added that in his evidences in chief both PW1 and Pw2 all stated that the accused person destroyed the windscreen and that she never challenged them in her defence. She added that if the offence was not committed by the accused person she could have denied and challenged their evidences, and which she failed to do. Magistrate Camara also added that the court was convinced that the prosecution had proven its case beyond any reasonable doubt. She subsequently convicted and sentenced the Accused accordingly.Read Other Articles In Article (Archive)