A warm welcome to you Mr. Jatto Sillah as you take up leadership mantle at the Ministry of Forestry and Environment.
While we wholeheartedly welcome you to the cabinet, we wish to bring to your attention that with your over 29 accumulated experience as a forester, and having served in various positions and achieving success in many fronts, a lot is indeed expected from you.
No doubt, your job as Forestry and Environment Minister is very challenging, especially at the time when the world is facing serious climatic problems, including climate change of which The Gambia is no exception.
Proper management of our forest resources become even more serious issue that you will be battling with.
Illegal cutting of trees, charcoal burning, maintaining a clean environment, bush fires, just to name a few are the likely challenges that await you in this new seat.
While we have no doubt in your ability to deliver, taken into account your wealth of experience and educational background, we wish to bring to your attention that your task is enormous.
Yes, we know you are not new in the system as far as forestry and environment is concerned, considering your years of work, but we believe that is important to offer some advice.
You must work hard to take the Ministry to the higher height.
The good books says all things work together is appointed time for everything.
We wish you best of luck.
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Nov 16, 2012, 12:00 PM