of the governor of West Coast Region (WCR), last Friday sensitised nine
district chiefs in the region on COVID-19 pandemic prevention at his office in
sensitization, which seeks to raise awareness of the chiefs on preventive
measures of the deadly global health pandemic, was also meant for participants
to pass on key safety precaution messages to their various communities.
governor, Musa. B. Susso acknowledged that COVID-19 is a global pandemic,
saying sensitising the chiefs on preventive measures is intended to help them
also create awareness in their various communities.
the government has announced a 21-day state of public emergency, he added, the
price of many commodities should be reduced, reminding that it is their
responsibility to also sentizise their communities, especially business owners
to consider the plight of the people.
Susso reiterated President Adama Barrow’s proclamation banning all public
gatherings in a bid to contain the spread of the virus. “All the Alkalolu whose communities are close
to the border should make sure that anyone who enters your village during this
period is registered at a health facility,” he said.
Sillah, regional health promotion and education officer in West Coast Region
alluded to the fact the Gambia is not the only country suffering from the
impact of the virus, saying it has now reached 196 countries, including The
Gambia, with 105 people diagnosed with the virus in Senegal.
Gambia, she went on, has registered only four cases, two of which are already
discharged, adding that all the cases were imported.
reminded that it is high time for people to take all the possible preventive
measures to protect themselves and the country.
Colley, chief of Foni Bondali district, said his community needs strong
sentisation, as it shares the longest border with the Southern Senegalese
province of Cassamance.
sentization should not only stop in the Kombos because majority of people in
the rural areas did not still understand some of the preventive measures.”