#Article (Archive)

Violence against women must end!

Feb 7, 2013, 10:45 AM

The issue of violence against women has been dominating discussions in recent times. There is no excuse to perpetuate any form of violence against women, be it one’s wife or sister.

We must dedicate more time and resources to ending domestic violence and violence against women, through networking and direct actions.

There is a need to raise more awareness on violence against women, through public awareness, education, media intervention and a range of trainings with a cross section of communities.

To this end, we salute the efforts of civil society organisations and other development partners in the fight against violence against women.

It is equally essential to put in place appropriate legislations and resources that would protect and maintain the dignity of survivors of violence.

It is clear that The Gambia has made significant strides in putting some legal frameworks for the protection of women.

However, there is still room for improvement, especially when perpetuators continue to commit act on a daily basis.

Women are being faced with one form of violence or another, such as rape, prostitution, assault, trafficking, female genital mutilation, and forced or arranged marriages.

These horrific acts do not just occur in places of war, but right in our homes.

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