the 1st December, 2016, The Gambian people went to the polls to decide the
destiny of their country for the next five years. On the 2nd December 2016, the
Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) announced the election results and
declared Adama Barrow of the Independent Coalition as the duly elected
President of our dear motherland.
the contesting candidates accepted the outcome of the elections. The outgoing
President called to congratulate President-Elect Barrow and publicly conceded
whole country and international community applauded outgoing President Jammeh
for respecting the decision of the Gambian people and the will of Almighty
Allah. Barely a week later, 9th December 2016, outgoing President Jammeh
decided to change his mind and totally rejected the outcome of the results and
even called for fresh elections.
the basis of the current political situation in our country, the University of
the Gambia Faculty and Staff Association hereby expresses its absolute
condemnation of President Jammeh’s rejection of the legitimate will of the
sovereign people of The Gambia.
believe that power belongs to the people of The Gambia and they have expressed
their will through a free, fair and credible election. Therefore, any attempt
to overturn and derail the expressed will of Gambians will tantamount to
jeopardizing the peace, security and welfare of the citizens of this country.
we call on the Outgoing President to unconditionally reverse his current
position and peacefully hands over power to President-Elect Barrow.
Mr Malang Fanneh
General of UTGFSA