#Article (Archive)

Two exonerated from rape allegations

May 7, 2008, 6:01 AM | Article By: M. Conteh & Y. Mballow

Two youths were on Monday exonerated from charges of rape following several weeks of trial.

Ebrima Jammeh and Ousman Jammeh were recently charged at the Bundung Magistrates' Court for defiling a girl in Kotu in the Kanifing municipality. But they were on 5 May acquitted and discharged when Magistrate Kumba Sillah-Camara pointed out that her court could not rely on the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses to convict Ebrima and Ousman. She added that the prosecution did not prove its case as the evidence produced by its witnesses were not in conformity with the details on the medical certificate issued to the alleged rape victim
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