Yet again Momodou Turo Darboe yesterday distributed several items this time to the Jammeh Foundation for Peace Hospital (JFPH) Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH) and many others at his
RVTH received 2 satellite discs, 4 television sets. The satellite discs is for Private Block and Shell Ward and the televisions is for the Children's Ward. 2 satellite discs and 2 television sets to
Jammeh Foundation for
Leman Clinic received 1 satellite disc, 1 television set, 2 wash-hand basins, water dispensers and six chairs while Bakau Mosque received 2 ceiling fans.
In presenting the items Mr. Darboe, who is described by many as a rare philanthropist, said it is his organisation's (Vision Development Foundation) priority to always try to be in the forefront in national development initiatives in order to complement government's efforts of its development goals.
"We have the strong belief that through collective participation and partnership, we can easily build our nation. Our objective amongst others is to look for various ways and opportunities to contribute our part in national development," he said.
"As you know, VDF is committed to advancing peace by helping the needy and contributing immensely towards national development initiatives,' he added.
He said these donations made by the VDF to the health facilities will become a symbol of hope for the patients.
For his part, Mr. Ansumana Jammeh, the Chief Executive Officer of the Jammeh Foundation for Peace thanked Mr. Darboe for what he termed as worthy and timely intervention. He added that Mr. Darboe's contribution towards national development was outstanding, and commendable, noting that the donated items would help them take care of their patients. He said that VDF has answered to the call of President Jammeh for people to participate in all socio-economic development of this nation.