A proverb that says the actual length of a frog cannot be measured unless the frog dies, reminds me of Baba Touray,
The demised of Mr Baba Touray left a scar in the hearts of his family, the wives Nading Jambang and Loli Fofana, mother Ma Nyima Nyandu, the family of Touray ,Nyandu, Janneh Kunda in Pirang ,Gunjur and Banjulding, and a great loss to the entire police force as a nation. Baba Touray, a police officer, on Thursday passed away in Darfur where he was serving as an International Peace Monitor. He recently promoted to the rank of Inspector .His untimely death rings in our midst the verse ''Innali Lahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raagie Un".
When put to verbatim English translation means-: "From God we come and to whom we shall return." All devoted Muslims irrespective of age and sex should recite this verse whenever strike by natural calamities of any kind, death among others which are inevitable. The news of the demise of Mr. Touray filled us with devastated shock and caused rivulet of tears to run down our chests. However, the staunch ones always proximate God than us and are dearer to God than we love them.
In adding my eulogy, on behalf of his family Baba was a great loss to us and the entire police department. We have known him with unshakable principles and unquantifiable love and mercy for not only the police officer as profession but also the wife and friends of the family and children,
As we mourn the departure of a hero of peace, his demise was a great loss to the entire Sudanese. The Security Council, by its resolution 1590 of 24 March 2005, decided to establish the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) to support implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed by the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army on 9 January 2005; and to perform certain functions relating to humanitarian assistance, and protection and promotion of human rights. African Union/United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur was authorized by Security Council resolution 1769 of 31 July 2007. The Council, acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, authorized UNAMID to take necessary action to support the implementation of the Darfur Peace Agreement, as well as to protect its personnel and civilians, without "prejudice to the responsibility of the Government of Sudan".
Unfortunately, his determination towards The UNMIS Police component is tasked with, assisting in the development of Sudan's police service. Its aim is to help create a modern, effective and efficient Sudanese police service which operates fairly and impartially and in observance of the rule of law, with respect for human rights and in accordance with internationally accepted standards of conduct.
As the hearts bleeds with sorrow and eyes continue filling with tears while piecing this eulogy, the wife, children, friends, relatives, in-laws, will forever remember those happy time of Baba Touray in our midst and the reverberation of his determined voices.
In conclusion we pray that Allah in his infinite mercy grant Baba Touray a place in Janaah and May he fortify the family to bear the great loss his demise has caused. you has answer to the distance called from the Almighty Allah; a call that no one can reject or fail to answer.
May his soul rest in perfect peace